Sunday 30 June 2013

Get motivated for better health

Lifestyle changes can make a big difference to everything from weight loss to heart disease. But how many times have you set a goal only for your good intentions to wane? We look at ways to keep the healthy habit.
Whether it's losing weight or exercising more, motivation is critical if you want to succeed.
We all have lazy moments, but successful people are the ones who have developed strategies for overcoming their sluggish days.
Learn to recognise when you're feeling de-motivated so you can do something about it.
Positive life changes start with motivation and are sustained by habit.
A study from the University of Alberta found that people who exercise regularly don't waste time weighing up the pros and cons of their workout, but get on with their routines without procrastinating.
Life Coach Annabel Sutton shares her top tips for how to get motivated and establish those good life habits we all need.

1. Take things one step at a time
Trying to do everything at once is a sure-fire way to set yourself up for failure.
If you are looking to improve your health, start with easy things like taking the stairs at work rather than the lift or eating more vegetables.
Just one small change can get the momentum going and help you take larger steps later on. In no time at all the idea of a daily run won't seem so daunting.

2. Make a list
Being able to tick off a list of goals can be a great way to spur you on.
If you are the kind of person who responds to lists, think about creating a chart with a list of single daily habits that you would like to have.
They can be anything from 'remember my medication' to 'take five minutes to sit quietly and unwind'.
Every day tick off the daily habits that you have achieved and gradually build up a physical picture of your success.

3. Write it down and make it happen
Sit down and write a description of yourself when you have achieved everything you want to.
This may be you having lost a stone or successfully managed your asthma.
Whatever it is, make the description as detailed as possible. It could start something like 'Feeling radiant after a two mile run...'
Pin it up on the wall to remind yourself of what you're striving towards.

4. Get a buddy
It's much easier to get motivated if someone else is spurring you on.
It also helps to keep things honest – it's much harder to cut corners if someone is keeping an eye on you. A little bit of competition never did anyone any harm either.

5. Contact your local support group
If you need to address a particular medical issue, there is probably a charity or support group out there that can help you do just that.
The British Heart Foundation, for example, can keep you up to date on the latest treatments for heart disease. Remember, knowledge is power.
Many support groups offer solid practical help, too.

6. Reward yourself
Promise yourself irresistible treats if you succeed in fulfilling goals, such as a fabulous holiday if you quit smoking.
You can also give yourself smaller rewards for the less significant achievements, for example a visit to the beauty parlour or a new CD.
7. Set forfeits
Some people find forfeits motivating, but make sure the punishment matches the crime.
So if you fail to meet a goal like going to the gym one day, you might have to cook the dinner and do the washing up.
If you start to become disheartened, discontinue the forfeits. The idea is to spur you on to success, not make you feel bad.

8. Kit yourself out for success
It is much easier to get motivated if you have the right tools. This might mean a really good pair of running shoes, a heart rate monitor or even hypoallergenic bedding.
You don't need to spend the earth, but investing in the right piece of equipment is a way of showing yourself you mean business a

nd want to stay on track.

9. Be realistic
It's important you give yourself realistic goals and don't expect a quick fix.
Big life changes take time, determination and sometimes a bit of pain, too.
You are much more likely to succeed if you take things bit by bit and set out a series of smaller, achievable goals that build towards a new, improved, healthier you.

10. Work with a personal trainer or life coach
A life coach will be able to discuss what you want to achieve and design a bespoke programme to significantly improve your chances of success.
Maintaining regular contact will keep you on track and make sure you don't fall off the wagon.

The best way to find a good coach is by personal recommendation.

With thanks to

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