Thursday 2 May 2013

Taking Care of Your Kids during summer

Having kids who usually love to play is definitely a stressful job. They love to play in-doors and once they get a little older, out-doors becomes a craze for them. In the case of a boy child he is inclined towards sports. These days even girls like playing out-doors too. They have started playing sports like the other opposite ge
nder instead of staying inside the house with their make believe tea parties and playing with dolls.
With the heat scorching down on us every year making it sometimes unbearable for a minimum period of two months, it doesn’t stop the kids from going out and having a good time under the hot sun. This causes them to get a severe tan leading to sunburn and blisters and they probably end up falling sick at times. Try to keep a child support phone number handy to help you out during emergencies.
There are several ways you as parents need to look out for your kids during these hot months. A few of them are:
  1. Good quality Suntan Lotion:
Getting tanned is one of the most likely results of playing in the sun. Getting a good quality suntan lotion or sun block can go a long way in protecting them from the sun. This is needed essentially to protect kids from getting sunburn. There are a range of different suntan lotions to protect your kids from getting burnt in the sun.
  1. Drinking Liquids:
Make sure your kids have a regular supply of water or juice as they can easily get dehydrated playing during the summertime. The sun can drain them from all energy but that doesn’t stop them from going on and that can lead them to black out or faint. Regular supply of water can help alleviate this major aspect of dehydration.
  1. Clothes:
Make sure your kids wear clothes that are lose and are comfortable made of cotton so that they can perspire. This helps them to sweat it out while they play sports or even “tag”. If they wear clothes that cover them up fully and made from synthetic or polyester it wouldn’t give a chance for the skin to breathe and perspire and that will suffocate the kids more.
  1. Choosing the right soap and shampoo:
Choose the right soap and shampoo for your kids as they would sweat a lot. During summer it will be good for you to get oily soaps to increase the moisture level on their skin. During summer children tend to get dandruff, so find the right kind of dandruff shampoo for them too.
With thanks to:

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